Newark Park walk for menopause!
World Menopause Day
What is this about?
Yes ladies! Can you believe it…there is a global day dedicated to Menopause, so we’re getting involved. At Love Her Wild many of our ladies are affected by Menopause and are fortunate enough to find great support, new pals and an uplifting spirit from our community.
So let’s shine a light on Menopause, bring it into everyday conversation and get together and have a great walk.
Cost: National Trust are supporting LHW with free entrance for everyone, huraaah! Parking is £3 though unless you’re member cash at the machine (coins) or you can pay on the way in by card.
How to get in: At the entrance say you’re here for the Love Her Wild event and they will wave you on through.
Meeting location: Croquet lawn outside the main house, look out for the Love Her Wild Flag.
Lunch: We will have lunch at 1230 in the grounds, you can bring a packed lunch, or there are sandwiches, and cakes available to buy at the cafe.
Walk: We will eat first and then head off on the pink route, roughly a 1hour 15min walk.
Are you new?: Half of all attendees at each event are new and come alone. So please come and join us. If you’re at all nervous please send me a Whatsapp or call 07482979900 and we can chat
Do I need to be in Menopause to come?
Not at all, this is an event for all women, the more we share, the more we talk the more we demystify and reduce the burden that menopause can bring. (Sorry to those that are working during the day….!)
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