Maps, apps and navigation weekend.
LHW Maps, Apps & Navigation Weekend
Fee: £75 | 6places available
To Book:
1. Contact Sue Sharp via
07531464764 to book a slot
2. She will send you a booking link and bank details
3. Your place is only guaranteed once Sue has received payment
What’s this all about?
We’re all about enabling women to have more adventures. Confidence in using maps, apps and navigation is a challenge for many of our members. So we’ve put together a weekend of map, app and nav skills-building to get you set for your next mini, or big adventure, whether a short walk in your local area or something slightly longer. A friendly, supportive environment is guaranteed!
Who is it for? Anyone who feels eek…
* I don’t know how to read a map
* I’ve no idea how to plan a route
* I don’t know how to navigate, I don’t understand what it is
* I don’t understand what all those icons and lines are on the map
* I don’t know how to use a compass
* I don’t know how to use a map app, plan a route or check where I am!
What will you be able to do by the end of the weekend? You will be able to..
* Recognise key features on a map and how to use them to find out where you are
* Know when you’ve gone the wrong way and what to do about it
* Measure distance on a map and estimate distance when you’re outside
* Plan a route using the OS app and a physical map and how to check where you are
* Orientate a map by aligning a compass needle against grid north so you know what direction to go in
* Know what walking & safety equipment you need, and what to do in an emergency
* Know where you can and can’t go in the countryside
* Understand 4 and 6 figure grid references, new terms such as ‘handrails’ and ‘linear features’ and how they help with navigation
Plan for the weekend
Day 1 | 9.30 am | Welcome and introductions | Indoors
* Maps, scales and features
* Grid references
* 6 Ds of navigation
* Basic compass work
* Mapping apps and how to use them
1230ish | Lunch (either indoors or out – depending on weather!)
1pm-ish | Outside
* Timing/pacing – so we can judge how long sections will take
* Taking our maps for a walk
* Working in pairs we’ll take it in turns to lead short sections of a pre-planned route.
* This is a learning opportunity in a supportive environment and no one is expected to get it right first time.
* Mistakes are important for us all to learn from, we welcome and expect them!
430pm | Finish | Questions and thoughts
Day 2 | 9.30am | Start
* We’ll spend 1-2 hours refreshing our map skills and looking at potential routes and then go for a walk!
* Each participant will plan and lead a short section of the route. Lots of stops to check maps and features.
12ish | Lunch on the way
4:30pm | Finish | Questions and thoughts
Kit List
*Walking shoes/ trainers
*Comfy walking clothes
*Lunch, water
*Day Rucksack
(If you’re missing anything, don’t worry, let us know and we can provide)
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