International Women’s Day – Night walk (Rescheduled)
This is your invitation to join a short evening walk on Wednesday 5th April to celebrate International Women’s Day with us – a little later than planned due to the first attempt being cancelled due to snow! Who says we only get one International Women’s Day a year anyway!
We will set off from Belmont Road Car Park near Rivington Pigeon Tower, Chorley, Lancs at 7.30pm. There is no postcode but the What Three Words address is Caring.deep.moderated and you can see the car park named as Belmont Road Car Park on google maps. Parking is free and it would be great if we could car share where possible (just add comments on the events page if you are able to offer a lift)
Sunset is at 7.53pm so we will walk slowly up through the terraced gardens in the fading light, past the pigeon tower to the Pike. After having a little time at the pike, we will retrace our steps back to the car park. Paths are good but a head or hand torch will be essential. The distance is 3-4km and I expect the walk to take around 1.5 hours.
As well as having a fun and empowering night out, for an added twist, I also invite you to bring some gratitude and a gift in line with the spirit of the day….
– Gratitude: think about a woman you are grateful to, who in the words of Rupi Kaur helped you to ‘see further’.
– Gift: how you are passing it on… something you intend to do to help women who come after you to ‘see further’.
It would be lovely to chat about this on the walk and hear each others stories.
I may also have a story or two to share about lancashire women’s history including my favourite local suffragete story I stumbled across recently. I promise you will love it! No spoilers but it truly is the best lancastrian act of rebellion you could possibly imagine and makes me happy every time I think of it!
Many members attend on their own and if this is your first event with LHW then be assured that you will be given a warm welcome. The event is all about unity and community even if we have never met before. So that we can focus on getting to know each other, the walk is not dog friendly on this occassion. And I should say that this is a volunteer led event and therefore everyone joins at their own responsibility.
I hope you can join us and I look forward to sharing this night with you. Please click ‘Going’ on the event so I know who to expect and keep an eye on the Events page before the night in case of any updates.
What to bring:
– headtorch
– sturdy footwear
– hat and gloves
– layers and waterproofs
– your gratitude and pay it forward gift 😀
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