Recomendation collage Feb 2017

1. Shantaram

Recommended by Clare Johnson

Shantaram is a 2003 novel by Gregory David Roberts, in which a convicted Australian bank robber and heroin addict who escaped from Pentridge Prison flees to India. International bestseller

2. Themarest LuxuryLite Cot

Recommended by Samantha Clarke

If you just can’t get comfortable or warm with an inflatable roll mat, maybe it’s time to invest in a Termarest Cot. This ultra lightweight camping bed folds down surprisingly small. The perfect camping gadget.

3. Women and Bicycles Festival 2017

Recommended by Claire Mason 

This 2 day festival taking place in Oxford on the 4th and 5th March, celebrates the wonderful ways women dn bicycles are changing the world. It sounds great with talks, workshops and guided rides. 

4. Backpacker: The Ultimate Travel Game

Recommended by (me!) Bex Band

I’m loving this little card right now. I was given it as a christmas present and thought it looked rubbish, but decided to give it a go anyway. I’m now completely addicted. Each time you play you learn new rules and strategies and can keep an ongoing scoreboard, making it ideal for any adventurer with long travel days to kill. 

5. The Hidden Life of Trees

Recommended by Jenko Jenkins 

This book explores woodlands looking at life, death and regeneration. According to the blurb on this book, tree parents, like humans, live together with their children, communicate with them and support them as they grow, sharing nutrients with those who are sick or struggling. It sounds fascinating and has rave reviews. Although Jenko dis warn us that we might start talking to trees…..

6. Morakniv 120 Hooked Blade Knife

Recommended by Bryn Hennely

This handy little knife is perfect for carving out bowls or spoons. Check out this picture of a cup Bryn is currently working on with her Morakniv. We love your style!

Bryn carve cup, fire

7. Burt’s Bees Res-Q Ointment

Recommended by Cearra Cannon

A comforting salve made up from comforting herbal ingredients. This versatile ointment is perfect for the outdoor woman and can be used on all elements of weathered skin from chaffing, dryness to sunburn.

8. Komoot

Recommended by Emma Bird

This free app is perfect for any keen hiker or biker. It offers a variety of trails, covering all the single tracks that are often missed on the bigger navigation tools. Thanks for the tip Emma 

9. Scottish Bothy Bible

Recommended by Kerry-Anne Martin

Scottish Bothy Bible: The complete guide to Scotland’s bothies and how to reach them. For anyone looking for a micro adventure, get yourself a copy of this book, the first ever guide to Scotland’s hidden network of bothies. If you need any more convincing, have a read of Kerry-Anne’s own bothy adventure on Two Wee Adventurers – 5 bothies with a 5 year old 

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