This is the most exciting year yet for Love Her Wild as we launch the Women’s End2End relay. A 74day hiking relay that stretches the length of the UK.
The most important bit of kit for the relay will be the baton! Teams of women will come together to help pass it over 2,000km……and we are looking for girls to help us design the baton!
How to enter
The baton is going to be made from locally sourced birch wood with the winning design etched on. Any girl under the age of 16 can enter. Just DOWNLOAD THE DESIGN FORM HERE and get those creative juices flowing.
All entries must be returned to (email for an address if you prefer to post). DEADLINE EXTENDED to 5th February!
There will be prizes for the best design in each age category (under16, under11 and under7) including an Osprey rucksack (worth £100), copies of The Girl Outdoors and KuSan luxury beanies.

Good luck to everyone who enters! And if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch – 🙂
Please do consider supporting the Love Her Wild community by becoming a Patreon! Not only will you be helping women in accessing the outdoors, but there are great benefits including giveaways and access to an exclusive newsletter.

Bex Band founded Love Her Wild. Alongside running the community, she is an author, blogger and speaker on all things adventure and conservation. For her work championing women in the outdoors, she has been nominated for multiple awards and was named one of the UK’s Top 30 inspirational entrepreneurs.